Kids Class

Every Sabbath at 10 am we meet in the Chapel for bible stories, game and crafts.

Teen Class

We group in the fireside room every Sabbath tat 10 am share learn and grow together.

Youth Class

Come an join our Youth group every Sabbath at 10 am in the room 252 led by DK

Young Adults

Every Sabbath starting at 10 am am downstairs.


Every Sabbath starting at 10:00 am in the Library.

Our church, Your church

We believe that Jesus is needed and relevant for people in Vancouver today.

The message of God's love and promise of wholeness was destined to be experienced within a faith community that worships, studies scripture and prays together. Let us warmly welcome you to journey with us toward greater connection, purpose and peace.


From the Gallery

Words of Hope

Bird Brained

Have you ever been accused of being “bird brained”? Historical writing from the 1600s shows the insult of “bird-witted’ seemingly refer to fowl’s feeble function. However despite their small skulls, avians

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Total Eclipse of the Heart

This week’s solar eclipse plunged a wide path over the US into darkness for a few minutes. Being a science nerd I kept the NASA live broadcast running as I tried to multitask.

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Our Location